Over the course of ten years, legendary young-band composers John O'Reilly and Mark Williams composed and arranged over 100 creative works that correlate with specific pages in their highly successful band method, Accent on Achievement. Alfred Music is now proud to make these arrangements available in a book format that includes 22 full arrangements in each collection.
The Light Concert Collection includes creative arrangements of folk, rock, jazz, and Latin-American music. Titles: Rockin' la Bamba * Sailors Holiday * River Trilogy * No Drummer Left Behind * African Marching Song * Stand up and Swing * and 16 others.
The Light Concert Collection includes creative arrangements of folk, rock, jazz, and Latin-American music. Titles: Rockin' la Bamba * Sailors Holiday * River Trilogy * No Drummer Left Behind * African Marching Song * Stand up and Swing * and 16 others.
- Item: 00-41350
- UPC: 038081462431
- ISBN 10: 0739097938
- ISBN 13: 9780739097939
- Series: Accent on Performance
- Category: Band Supplement
- Format: Book
- Instrument: Trombone
- Instrumentation: Trombone