Cirque du Soleil, French for "Circus of the Sun," is a unique entertainment venture that has been thrilling audiences since its inception by two street performers over 20 years ago. This amazing fusion of circus, acrobatics, and theater has also produced a breathtaking repertoire of original music ranging in style from classical Impressionism to modern pop and rock.
Alfred Music now introduces the music to some of Cirque du Soleil's most popular songs, derived from a variety of show soundtracks. This updated volume includes selections from TOTEM, KOOZA, OVO, K, and O. Songs come complete with lyrics, melody line, and chord changes with professionally arranged piano accompaniment. Titles: Alegra (from Alegra) * All Come Together (from Amaluna) * Alone (from DELIRIUM) * Banquete (from OVO) * Blue Silk (from ZED) * Flying Scarlett (from IRIS - A Journey Through the World of Cinema) * Gamelan (from O) * If I Could Reach Your Heart (from K) * Kumbalaw (from Saltimbanco) * Kunya Sob (from Myst¨re Live) * Let Me Fall (from Quidam) * Liama (from La Nouba) * Love Dance (from K) * Mio Bello Bello Amore (from Zumanity: Another Side of Cirque du Soleil) * Nostalgie (from O) * O (from O) * Ombra (from Dralion) * Om Yo Kanoub (from TOTEM) * Pageant (from K) * Pearl (from KOOZA) * Pokino¯ (from Saltimbanco) * Qu Viyra (from TOTEM) * Querer (from Alegra) * Quidam (from Quidam) * Solitude (from KOOZA) * Time Flies (from DELIRIUM) * Triangle Tango (from Corteo).