A video game-inspired musical "journey" for piano soloists.
Composer Austin Wintory's Grammy-nominated soundtrack to the Sony Playstation video game Journey opened higher on the Billboard album charts than any previous video game soundtrack. The album subsequently won two British Academy Awards, an Interactive Academy Award, and many more. By popular request, Alfred Music is honored to make this collection of sheet music available to pianists. These six arrangements were selected and produced in direct collaboration with composer Austin Wintory to ensure that they effectively capture the original versions. Titles: Nascence * Threshold * The Road of Trials * Final Confluence * Apotheosis * I Was Born for This.
- Music by Austin Wintory
- ISBN 10: 0739096893
- ISBN 13: 9780739096895
- Category: Piano Collection
- Format: Book
- Instrument: Piano
- Version: Piano Solos