Release Date:06/23/1998;Notes:St. Paul based punk band released their first full length album in 1998. It was a hit within the punk community due to it's personal/political lyrics, sing-a-longs and hard hitting rhythm sections.;Track List:1. O.K. F.M. D.O.A;2. #51 Dick Butkus;3. It's a Fine Line Between the Monkey and the Robot;4. Portrait of the Artist As a Fucking Asshole;5. Twenty-One Said Three Times Quickly;6. Super Powers Enable Me to Blend in with Machinery;7. Doublewhiskeycokenoice;8. Supermodels Don't Drink Colt. 45;9. Shut Your Little Trap Inc;10. Mosh for Jesus;11. Hand Made Hard Times Handed Back;12. Honey I Shit the Hot Tub;13. Great American Going Out of Business Sale