Designed for flat-top solid-body guitars.
The B5 String-Through Tailpiece equips your guitar with expressive, fluid sound that only a true Bigsby vibrato can produce. It's a top-tier choice for players in search of unparalleled performance and vintage style. The B5 delivers smooth and accurate pitch changes, allowing guitarists to create subtle vibrato effects. Its classic look and easy installation make it a popular choice for both players and luthiers alike.
The B5, sometimes referred as the Bigsby "horseshoe" is designed for flat-top solid-body guitars. It features a tension bar to increase the break angle over the bridge. The "string-through" B5 is a pinless design that makes string changes a breeze because it eliminates the need to insert the ball-end of the string through the post on the string bar. Attaching via four screws to a guitar’s top, the B5 is extremely versatile.