The Meistersinger Series, also known as the Stolzing model trombones, gains this name from the story of the Meistersinger. In Nuremberg of the Middle Ages, the goldsmith announced a singing contest, with the betrothal of his daughter Eva as the prize. The young knight Walter von Stolzing enters the contest, hoping to win the hand of Eva, who has fallen in love-at-first-sight with the handsome knight. Stolzing's magnificent lyricism wins the day and he marries Eva and enters the Meistersinger guild.
- Key: Bb / F
- Bore: .547-inch; .571-inch F Attachment Bore
- Leadpipe: Standard
- Leadpipe Material: Yellow Brass
- Bell: 9-inch
- Bell Material: Red Brass (Optional Nickel Silver Bell Garland
- Handslide: Standard
- Handslide Material: Gold Brass Outer Slide and Nickel Silver Inner Slide
- Handslide Crook Material: Nickel Silver
- F Attachment Wrap: Compact Open
- F Attachment Valve: Standard Rotary with 3B Linkage System
- Features: Inner Handslide Longer Cork Barrels (Stockings); Asymmetrical Accelerator Main Tuning Slide and F Attachment Bow Design
- Case: Soft Case with Backpack Straps
- Mouthpiece: Yes
- Mouthpiece Shank: Large
- Finish: Lacquer