Two amazing speakers at an amazingly low price.
The Celestion Blues/Rock 2x12 Speaker Set features one Celestion G12M Greenback 12" speaker and one Celestion G12H 30W Anniversary Vintage Guitar Speaker.
Celestion G12M Greenback 12" Speaker
The G12M-25 Greenback Speaker is a reproduction of the early ceramic magnet version of the G12, now referred to as the "Greenback." The speaker delivers the raw sound of '60s rock, ideally suited for twin combos or 4 x 12 cabs. Handles 25W.
Celestion G12H 30W Anniversary Vintage Guitar Speaker
The G12H is a reissue of Celestion's 12" guitar speaker that was rereleased in 1994 for the company's 70th anniversary. Loud and proud thanks to its heavy magnet structure, the G12H provides a fusion of the Vintage 30 and the Greenback speaker characteristics, producing a thick, warm, and syrupy sound while still retaining a tight and focused bottom end.
When played clean the G12H speaker remains clear and musical without ever sounding harsh. In overdrive, pick attack is vividly articulated with sustained notes trailing off into warm harmonic tones.