The source of Eddie's sound.
These G12 replacement speakers drive the EVH 5150III amplifier to deliver ultimate Van Halen tone. They're the result of Edward Van Halen and Fender joining forces in an incredible collaboration.
Throughout his career, Eddie Van Halen has sought out original Celestion 20-watt Greenback speakers to load into his recording and performing rigs. So, when designing the EVH 5150III it was to Celestion that EVH and Fender turned in search of that vintage Greenback sound.
Celestion's Heritage Series G12 M speakers are a faithful reproduction of the original 1960s 20-watt Greenback and for EVH they provide the ideal solution. However-in order to give this speaker a look that is unmistakably EVH-a specially designed label, featuring the Van Halen logo and unique EVH striped design, along with a black-painted can that evokes the memory of the rare and much sought after Celestion "Blackback" speakers, were added.