4 In/16 Out mic/line signal splitter with 4 studio grade mic/line preamps in a road-proof case.
The Drawmer Kickbox 4x4 is an all-terrain 4-in/16-out mic/line signal splitter. Its extremely high audio quality, robust build, and portability make the Kickbox an ideal tool for providing multiple outputs for live sound, broadcast coverage, sports events, live recording, press conferences, corporate events, and any situation where distribution of high-quality audio is required.
It requires no rack or installation and can be stored in the vanr for immediate access to up to 16 output channels. It's perfect for small/medium gigs-just remove the lid, plug in the cables, set the levels and you're ready. The chassis/enclosure is incredibly strong and durable, and with the lid closed is water-, dust-, and corrosion proof.
Drawmer built 4 studio-grade mic/line preamps into the Kickbox. Each preamp provides up to 66dB of gain and 16 balanced output stages, each with the option of transformer isolation and comprehensive linking facilities.
Drawmer supplies the Kickbox 4x4 in a road-proof case with a removable lid for unhindered access to all controls and connections.