An explosive, unique effect from the mind of Matt Halpern and the Meinl R&D team.
The Double Down Stack consists of a 17 in. crash and 18 in. china, which can be played inverted (both bells facing down) or upright (both bells facing up). The inverted configuration delivers a sloshy, hissing sound while the upright configuration provides incredibly explosive attack and volume to cut through the most extreme amplifiers.
“The Double Down Stack is the result of almost ten years of experimentation with stacked cymbals. To me it’s the culmination of the best sounds I’ve been able to produce and utilize in both live and studio settings. It’s extremely versatile. You can configure the stack so it cuts through the loudest of music in the loudest of venues, or you can change it up and use it in the most dynamic of musical situations. No matter what kind of music you play, the Double Down Stack will undoubtedly help you shape your sound.” – Matt Halpern
The Artist Concept Models are a collection of cymbal voices. They are the product of Meinl Cymbal Artists and the Meinl R&D team. The goal was to craft unique and innovative sounds that allowed the artist to explore, create and forge ahead as leaders in acoustic music and in the art of drumming.