Este curso de piano basico introduce a ninos y adultos a principios basicos de notacion musical y les ayuda a construir cimientos solidos en el piano. Teoria e indicaciones aparecen acompanados de ejemplos musicales enfocados al aprendizaje.El CD de acompanamiento ayudara al estudiante a desarrollar su sentido musical y sentirse mas seguro en cuanto a dinamicas y ritmo. Recomendamos altamente el uso del CD de acompanamiento. El CD contiene las piezas presentadas en los ejemplos asi como pistas de acompanamiento que haran la practica mas amena. Al terminar este libro el estudiante estara listo para estudios de piano mas avanzados y en mas estilos de musica. El material audiografico de este libro se encuentra en el idioma ingles.
This beginning piano course introduces children or adult students to basic music notation and helps them build a solid foundation of piano skills. Theory and instruction appears alongside music examples in an integrated approach to learning. The play-along CD will help the student to develop a more musical approach and become more secure in both dynamics and rhythm. It is highly encouraged to use the play-along CD as much as possible. The CD contains model renditions of most of the pieces in the book as well as play-along accompaniments to make practicing more fun. After successful completion of this book the student will be well prepared for further piano studies in various styles of music.
This beginning piano course introduces children or adult students to basic music notation and helps them build a solid foundation of piano skills. Theory and instruction appears alongside music examples in an integrated approach to learning. The play-along CD will help the student to develop a more musical approach and become more secure in both dynamics and rhythm. It is highly encouraged to use the play-along CD as much as possible. The CD contains model renditions of most of the pieces in the book as well as play-along accompaniments to make practicing more fun. After successful completion of this book the student will be well prepared for further piano studies in various styles of music.
- Product Number:99932BCDSP
- Format:Book/CD Set
- Skill Level:Beginning
- Pages:40
- Binding:Saddle Stitched
- Size:8.75 x 11.75
- ISBN:0-7866-8414-3
- ISBN13:978-07866-8414-4
- Series:First Lessons
- Publisher:Mel Bay Publications, Inc.