An absolute monster of a half stack, with six 12AX7s in the preamp.
The Peavey 6505+ 120W Guitar Amp Head is great for hardcore or metal players. Six 12AX7s in the preamp add up to even more terrifying punch and mind-rattling gain. Includes footswitchable lead/rhythm channel select, effects loop, 3-band EQ, plus resonance and presence controls on each channel. Rhythm channel includes pre/post gain and bright/crunch switches. Lead channel includes pre/post gain controls only. Preamp output. Footswitch included. 4, 8, or 16 ohms.
The 6505 Series guitar amplifiers are named in celebration of Peavey's first 40 years, (1965-2005). While known as the 5150 Series, these amps became the undisputed go-to guitar amps for scores of rock, hardcore, and metal bands because of their raw tone, relentless power, and road-proven reliability.
6505 4x12" Cab
The Peavey 6505 4x12 240W Guitar Cabinet has four 12" Sheffield 1200 speakers loaded in a biplanar-aligned, infinite baffle, 240W closed-back cab. A perfect match for a 6505 or 6505 Plus head.
This Peavey speaker is constructed from high-density plywood. It has recessed handles and heavy-duty casters. 1/4" and XLR jacks. 16 ohms.