Item #1314751 Model #MS-GRNYC

Studio Electronics Boomstar Modular Grainy Clampit Standard


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Low-fi distortion and oscillator.

GRAINY CLAMPIT is a granular and phase distortion additive oscillator, best described in terms of its two-stage architecture and typical patching scenarios that take advantage of its most enchanting properties.

First Stage
Additive mixing of 4 harmonics using one of 16 waveforms and one of 16 combinations of harmonics.

Second Stage
Granular or phase distorted mixing of the signal from the first stage, with a sync option.

Back to the First Stage
Additive section with selection of 16 different combinations of harmonics. The harmonics can be based on a sinewave or on one of 15 other waveforms. There's a separate control for mixing the selected harmonics.

Back to the Second Stage
The second processing stage allows granular processing or phase distortion. Granular processing gives you control over grain length and grain position, and can produce sync, detune, and wave sequencing effects. Phase distortion allows the signal from stage one to looked up non-linearly, and can produce thick detune sounds and wildly varying pitch/timbre effects.

Both settings have a choice of long buffer length (for wave sequencing effects) or short buffer length (for smoother detuned effects). The concept behind it is relatively simple: the additive mixing of several combinations of harmonics using a choice of 16 waveforms, followed by granular or phase distortion processing for detuned and wave sequencing effects with a sync option for further pitch variations.

Potentiometer Potential
Eight attenuation and three attenuverter pots: WAVE TYPE, OT TYPE, DETUNE, OT MIX CV, PITCH, OT MIX, OT T CV, S/A CV, LEN/PITCH, SPACE/AMT, FINE TUNE.

Switch it Up

GRAIN/PD - Up position: Selects Granular processing. Down position: Selects Phase Distortion processing.
FIX - In Grain mode - Up position allows the Len/Pitch to affect the output pitch. Down position syncs output pitch to the master pitch. In PD mode - Up position allows Len/Pitch to continuously vary the pitch of the phase-distorted output. Down position - Len/Pitch sets the pitch of the phase-distorted output to musical intervals in respect to the master pitch.
RANGE - Up: Long buffer. Down: Short buffer.
LOW RES - Gives priority to the 4th bit in the 8 bit digital-to-analog converter. For harsh and noisy sounds.

Patch it Up
1V/OCT - 1 Volt per octave input controlling the overall pitch of the module. Input range is 0 to 10v.
OT T CV -CV control of Overtone Type - allows sequencing through all 16 preset combinations of 4 different harmonics. Input range is +/-10V.
OMX CV - CV control of Overtone Mix - sweeps through the mix of the harmonics, from lower harmonics loudest to higher harmonics loudest. Input range is +/-5V.
S/A CV -CV control of Space/Amount. In Grain mode - controls the spacing/detuning of grains.
In PD mode - controls the amount of non-linearity in the phase distorted output. Input range is +/-10V
OUTPUT - Sound output +/-5V range.


Controls arranged in order of signal flow
  • WAVE TYPE – Selects one of 16 source waveforms.
  • OT TYPE – Combines 4 copies of the Wave Type – selects one of 16 variations of four overtones.
  • OT MIX – Controls the mix of the four overtones, from lowest pitched to highest pitched dominance.
  • DETUNE – Combines the resulting mix with a copy of itself and detunes it up to one octave.
  • GRAIN/PD – Selects the next processing stage: Up: Granular, or Down: Phase Distortion.
  • LEN/PITCH – Sets the grain length, for pitch and sync effects..
  • SPACE/AMT – Sets the spacing between grains, for detune/wave-sequence effects.
  • FIX – Up: Len/Pitch controls pitch; Down: Len/Pitch controls sync.
  • RANGE – Up: Grain sample window is long, for wave sequencing (set Space Amt to 0 ); Down: Grain sample window is short, for detune effects.
  • LEN/PITCH – Controls the pitch of the processed sound.
  • SPACE/AMT – Controls the amount of phase distortion.
  • FIX – Up: the pitch control of Len/Pitch is continuous; Down: Len/Pitch selects a range of fixed pitches.
  • RANGE – Up: PD sample window is long, for wave sequencing; Down: PD sample window is short, for detune effects.
Patch Points
  • 1V/OCT – One volt per octave control voltage input.
  • OT T CV – Overtone Type control voltage.
  • OMX CV – Oscillator Mix control voltage.
  • S/A CV – Space Amount control voltage.
  • OUTPUT – Audio Output.